Fact-Finding Investigations and Administrative Investigations

We provide fact-finding, conclusions and recommendations for instances of alleged serious misconduct, such as by senior agency managers or supervisors, or other especially sensitive issues. This can take the form of a fact-finding or a more formal Administrative Investigation. We have published and taught classes in this area.

Organizational Assessments

We conduct organizational assessments (and make specific recommendations) when the capabilities of a senior manager are in question or where there is turmoil within a given work unit.


We have served as mediators for federal sector EEO and other disputes. We have also taught numerous federal employees to be mediators.

Early Neutral Evaluation

We have done early neutral evaluations, a form of alternative dispute resolution in which the parties present their cases to an expert who provides feedback and can help the parties to resolve the dispute.

Contract EEO Manager

We have served as a federal sector Acting EEO Manager.

Risk Assessment

We have provided case analysis, risk assessment and     recommendations on sensitive federal sector cases.


We have served as consultants to federal agencies in various   capacities.